Changing Lives, One Body at Time!

    Benefits of Walking for Older Adults

    Benefits of Walking for Older Adults

      Walking is a low-impact exercise that offers numerous benefits for people over the age of 55. In fact, it's considered the ultimate exercise for older adults. Here's why: First, walking helps to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such...

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    admin May 2, 2023 6,662 Comments

    Five Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

    Five Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

    Today there is absolutely no shortage of weight loss strategies and people often find more info on the internet, when compared to the traditional methods of consulting doctors in person. Sadly, many of these offer conflicting advice; leaving the consumer...

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    admin June 25, 2015 No Comments

    Exercise Builds Confidence And Confidence Makes You Beautiful On The Inside

    Exercise Builds Confidence And Confidence Makes You Beautiful On The Inside

    Society pressures us to be beautiful and the fitness industry capitalizes on that. Quite frankly this industry is quite shallow and most gyms never address an extremely powerful internal benefit of exercise. Confidence. However, even if we lose weight we...

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    admin June 13, 2015 No Comments

    Big Announcement!

    Big Announcement!

    Take a minute to read and you might win a row machine. We are expanding to the 1,800 square foot bay next door! We hope to have the new area finished out and ready to rock by mid to late...

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    admin December 18, 2014 No Comments

    Failing to prepare is preparing to fail

    Failing to prepare is preparing to fail

    How many times have you been on this roller coaster of emotions? Time and time again, getting excited to workout, see new results, make a better you, and then slowly falling off the wagon. Usually it’s because you haven’t set...

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    admin November 7, 2014 No Comments

    Exercise vs. Anxiety and Depression

    Exercise vs. Anxiety and Depression

    One of the biggest things I have come to realize after a decade of working in the fitness industry is that a lot of people are suffering from anxiety and depression. More than I ever would have guessed. The Mental...

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    admin November 7, 2014 No Comments